Harescramble Rules
2025 Hare Scramble Rules Race Rules
• No Quads
• We race in the rain or in 100 degree heat at the Director’s discretion
• Races will be canceled if frozen ground or lightning
• The 2 hour race is for 2 hour classes, 1 hour race is for 1 hour classes, and 30 minutes is for the mini classes
• Checkered flag will be brought out right on the end times
• White flag will be brought out at 45 minutes for hour classes, 25 minutes for mini classes and 1 hour 45 minutes for two hour classes
• The course will be marked with arrows printed in orange
• A single marker turned at an angle signifies a turn. Markers are always on the inside of the turn and you must go around it
• If you miss a marker or pass on the wrong side you must go back and complete it properly. Failure to do either of these will dock one lap from your total
• Classes will start in rows
• The first digit in your number is the row in which you start
• During the race there will be one checkpoint
• You must pass over the Transponder reader to be counted
• The race will be scored by the Transponder placed on your motorcycle
• All machines must have numbers on all 3 number plates as well for backup scoring
• No one is allowed on the track before the race and no riding until the parade lap
• Riders are responsible for the condition of their motorcycle, for determining the safety of the course and to assess their own abilities, and for the condition of their protective apparel, which includes helmets, boots, gloves, etc
• All riders must start, finish, and ride the entire race on the same machine
• Awards will be given for 1st-3rd place in all trophy classes except 50CC and 65CC places 1st-5th will be awarded
• There also will be year end awards for 1st-3rd place finishers in each class excluding the beginner class
• All races will count towards points and year end awards, except the 3 hour
• You must race 51% of the races to be eligible for year end awards Points will not be carried over if you change class’s midseason Race Scoring Points System
1st Place - 25 points
2nd Place - 22 points
3rd Place - 20 points
4th Place - 18 points
5th Place - 16 points
And every place from there on is decreased by one point until 22nd place - 0 pts Absolutely no riding before the race or non-member riding after the race
pdf Rules